Saturday, April 10, 2010

Makers Mark Hat!!!!

Ok I had to go ahead and post this. My sister, god bless her, knows I have a deep deep DEEP love of all things trainwreck. So, she is stuck working a home and garden show today and has been instructed to send me photos of trainwrecks.
Boy did she deliver. She sent me this gem.
Makers Mark Hat!!! I WANT ONE! Please please please GOD can I have one?? I will wear it everyday and carry a bottle of Makers in my hand dancing and singing in the streets. Because when wearing a Makers Mark Hat that's all you can really do.
I mean shit, where I live, I'd fit IN.
That cap, in its FANTASTIC GLORIOUS essence, is a top hat with red "wax" dripping much like the top of a makers mark bottle.
Mix this with Ale-8 and you have the Bluegrass State in a Glass, try it I dare you.

I LOVE Makers. I would have considered going as a bottle of Makers for Halloween, but that's something else entirely.
I Can't even FIND a google image of a Markers Mark Hat like this!!! GOOGLE YOU HAVE FORSAKEN ME!
I believe I have fallen in love. Not with the man, just the hat.
God I hope my sister can top this. VIVA LA TRAINWRECKS!

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