Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Doom Doom Doom

So Jackalope put his footdowna nd said NO when it comes to my post regarding the trainewreck that was my wed. He was there for part of it, but doesn't want his part discussed. Since that was by FAR the funniest shit that happened cuz of who we ran into there I said fuck it. No Post. Sorry. If you know me, then you've heard the story. If not and you are one of the randos out in cyber space then post a comment and maybe MAYBE i can e-mail you the story. As far as posting comments goes, I'm just gonna throw it out there. You. Bitches. Suck. You can at least do that lame ass "First!!!" stuff. If you make comments I might put a little more effort into my postings. Just sayin. But anywho I was talking to ....god knows who the other day about old cartoons and Invader Zim came up. Legit I forogt how much I love Invader Zim. Gir, Gaz, That batshit teacher. It was love at first sight back in what? '01. I was.....a freshman in highschool i think. Maybe....shit I don't reember. I just know I was a weird lil punk rock kid who though and GIR was my fav. But I a had special connection with Gaz. In fact while writing this I am watching invader zim and took a lil quizzlette from the internets.
I am trying to draw a little piggy!

You are game-playing, pizza-eating, perpetually-frowning goth girl Gaz. You are totally indifferent and all but immune to the terrible threats that daily loom over the Earth. But, like, who cares?

You shall plunge us into a nightmare world from which there is no waking!

Take The Mighty Invader Zim Test!
Don't. Judge. Me. Actually, You fuckers have a jab. Take the quizzy. Tell me who you get. Cept Nemo. You will be Gir.
GIR loves Cupcakes!
Seriously I could do a whole post on JUST GIR.
But my love my love my love fro this shit ws predestined. I already lurved
Johnny The Homicidal Maniac
and SQUEE!!

Aw. I had like flashbacks to questionable activities in my youth leading to the Discovery of Nny and Squee. Oh and Happy Noodle Boy. Le Sigh
I wanna say it was Andrea Blythe who set me on the path of the crazy. She is the one who showed me Rocky Horror for the first time. Holy god, she looked JUST like Columbia too.
I often wonder if I would be a different if I hadn't been friends with her.
Bloh well.
I love my Scary Monkey Cup-

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